Epistolary Griffy (substack)
A substack for written things, art and—if you’re lucky!—ethical gossip. Subscribe for free at griffy.substack.com.
Earthbound Writers Radio (podcast)
An audio project in which I and my friends read aloud our stories, poems, essays, and plays exploring revolutionary camaraderie, frustrations both personal and political, and the evergreen question: What does it mean to live on a planet? This planet, we mean? Wait, we’re on Earth. Where are you? (Listen on spotify or apple podcasts.)
- “Forest Fragment Love Letter” in the Earth First! Journal
- “Carrier Crane” in the Earth First! Journal
- “Misattributions” in Dyke Times
- “Seeking Staughton Lynd” in The Land of 10,000 Bombs
- “Grandmother Stories”
- “Notes on the River Patriarchy, or, What is to Be Done About Leftist Men?”
- “On Hero Worship”
collaborative projects
Even the River Starts Small: A Collection of Stories from the Movement to Stop Line 3
I was a contributing writer & editorial team member for this anthology of anonymous writing & art by Line 3 resisters.
Read more about the book & our editing process at www.line3anthology.org.
You can get it today from Haymarket Books, or you can request that copies be purchased (here’s how!) by your local library or radical bookstore.
The Land of 10,000 Bombs: Resisting the Minnesota War Machine
I write & edit for The Land of 10,000 Bombs, a Minnesota-based publication dedicated to popular education about the military-industrial complex.
Read & subscribe at tenthousandbombs.substack.com.